Work Package F
Pilot the HPV testing intervention in hard-to-reach communities
- To determine the user take-up and acceptability of a screening intervention that includes cervical self-sampling and analysis with the HPV test in the portable HPV testing device
3-group prospective intervention study
- Group 1 (control): local coverage of screening (data to be collected from datasets, reports)
- Group 2: 125 women receive info about cervix cancer and are referred to local clinics for screening
- Group 3: 125 women receive information about cervix cancer and are offered on-site HPV testing and results
Take-up 1 will be assessed by the difference between group 3 and group 1; and Take-up 2 will be estimated as the difference between group 3 and group 2.
- Build relationships with hard-to-reach communities
- Recruiting and training community-based researchers
- Refine study design, procedure, and measurement tools
- Group 1: control group: Collect screening local coverage rates
- Group 2 & 3: Participant recruitment and data collection
- Recruit healthcare providers and collect data
- Data analysis and interpretation
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Bernardo Jose Vega Crespo