UGENT – Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Laboratory of Bacteriology Research

The Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and the Laboratory of Bacteriology Research are part of the Department of Diagnostic Sciences of Ghent University.
The Laboratory of Medical Microbiology is embedded in the Laboratory of Clinical Biology of Ghent University Hospital. Under the lead of Prof. Dr. Elizaveta Padalko a more intense implementation of laboratory diagnostic techniques in the field of women’s health flourished. The Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology of UZ Ghent is a part of consortium of HPV National Reference Laboratory.
Prof. dr. Piet Cools is working at the Laboratory of Bacteriology Research. The focus of the research of Piet Cools is the development of new diagnostic tests from infections affecting women’s health. Hence, Piet has a large expertise in starting up new research facilities, and implementing new technologies in resource-limited settings.